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Web Design

Web Design - The devil is in the details.

Many people think great design is when a web site has a lot of beautiful graphics and animation. While it is true that visitors are more likely to stay at your web site longer if it is visually appealing, you just want to make sure the images are conveying what your business is about. You also don't want your message to be lost in all the "flash" of your home page. Truly great design does not overwhelm but accents what you are trying to tell your visitors.

Even though each design is different we always follow certain guidelines:

  • No text overcrowding - Your message must be easy to read.
  • No confusing images - All images relate directly to the business.
  • Easy navigation menu - No difficult to find or use menus.
  • Color coodination - Colors don't contrast with each other.

Mobile devices like smartphones are quickly becoming the favored way of browsing the internet for many people. Traditional web design targets the larger 1024 pixel wide computer monitors and heavy graphics that assume high download speeds to display quickly. Fortunately Neighbor Webmaster designs all our web sites so that creating a "mobile" version won't require a whole rewrite or a separate web site. If you are interested in upgrading your current web site to be mobile ready or want your new web site to be mobile ready from day 1, contact us.